Sunday 24 February 2013

Trainers are for life, not just for sport

Trainers are for life, not just for sport

Trainers are for life, not just for sport by serenarudge

I'm having a bit of a trainer moment. Not that these are all exactly trainers, but that's how I'm choosing to define them. I've worked out that I have some money spare, and I'd really like a pair of one of these. I just can't decide which.

I haven't lusted after trainers that weren't for sport since I was twelve and my life goal was to become Avril Lavigne. Looking back, they were hideous and painfully cheap, as shown when my friend's dog chewed them and they spewed foam stuffing all over the house. I think they were from Shoe Zone. Holla.

Anyway, that is all beside the point. Please someone help me decide which ones to buy?

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